The Role of E-Learning, It’s Advantages And Disadvantages of Adoption In Higher-Education

Published: October 15, 2021


Rahul Mohan and Himesh Sharma

E-learning, Information and Communication Technologies, Higher Education1. The Ideas and Terms Of E-Learning


This study looks into the efficiency of e-learning as a teaching tool in post-secondary settings. It involves connecting contemporary information and communication through technology for teaching and learning in higher education institutions. By analyzing significant contributions made by various academics and institutions on the notion of e-learning, particularly its use in teaching and learning in higher educational institutions, this study evaluates the literature and provides a scholarly backdrop to the study. Through surveys and other observations, it reveals some opinions that individuals and institutions around the world have shared regarding the adoption and integration of e-learning technology in education. It examines various researchers’ views of what e-learning is, what role it plays in higher educational institutions with regard to teaching and learning processes, and the advantages and disadvantages of its adoption and implementation.


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How to Cite

Rahul Mohan and Himesh Sharma. The Role of E-Learning, It’s Advantages And Disadvantages of Adoption In Higher-Education. J.Technol. Manag. Grow. Econ.. 2021, 12, 47–56
The Role of E-Learning, It’s Advantages And Disadvantages of Adoption In Higher-Education

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