Publication Ethics

Responsibility of the Author(s)

The Journal of Technology Management for Growing Economies, along with its dedicated editorial team, places great emphasis on the preservation of academic integrity and ethical standards within the realm of scholarly publishing and takes serious note on issues related to plagiarism, citation manipulation, and data fabrication. The author’s work comprises of the abstract, hypothesis, data collection, analysis, results, interpretations, summary, and conclusion. The Turnitin plagiarism software is used to check the plagiarism of the manuscript. Instances of substantial similarity (plagiarism) exceeding 10% are subject to rigorous evaluation by the Journal’s committee and Chitkara University Publications and in specific cases, a lifelong ban from submitting to our journal and the withdrawal of benefits if any conferred upon the author(s). Even in situations where scientific misconduct is unintentional, it is imperative to recognize that breaches of publishing ethics can significantly damage one’s reputation as a researcher. Therefore, authors bear the responsibility to ensure that their work adheres to the highest ethical and academic publishing standards.

Responsibility of the Reviewer(s)

The Peer Review Policy and the role of reviewers are pivotal components of the publication process. The Journal of Technology Management for Growing Economies employs a rigorous double-blind peer review system overseen by the editor(s) who facilitate communication between reviewers and corresponding authors. Our reviewers are esteemed subject experts assigned by the editor(s) to judge the quality, importance, and scientific contribution of the submitted manuscripts. We emphasize that the review process must be conducted impartially without delay. In instances where meeting this deadline is challenging, authors are encouraged to coordinate with the editor(s) to request an extension. The expert assessments and comments need to be submitted through our online platform. Reviewers are required to evaluate the submitted manuscript including textual content, figures, raw data, and any other relevant materials. If you find any missing components, do not hesitate to contact the editor(s). To gain a comprehensive understanding of the reviewer’s responsibilities, refer to the ethical guidelines accessible as:

Responsibility of the Editor(s)

The responsibility of the editor is to preserve the journal’s standards and the quality of the manuscripts it accepts as well as to ensure that the publication remains accessible and relevant to its target audience. The responsibilities of the journal editor encompass as:

  • Facilitates the submission process for authors and overseeing the peer-review of manuscripts, thereby ensuring the acceptance and publication of high-quality scholarly works.
  • Provide clear and comprehensive instructions to the author(s) for manuscript submission.
  • Adheres rigorously to a double-blind peer-review process and upholds the journal’s publication policies.
  • Addresses the issues related to academic misconduct and handles any grievances or complaints carefully to the publisher.

For more details please download all the guidelines and editor’s related responsibilities:

Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)

We adhere to the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) guidelines when evaluating the suitability of submitted manuscripts for publication in our journal.
For additional information, refer:
