E-NAM – Digital Agricultural Market: Challenges and Opportunities in India

Published: October 15, 2021


Mohit Garg, Shelly Singhal

E-NAM, Agricultural Marketing, Digitalization and Stakeholders


Agriculture is one of the most crucial sectors of the Indian economy. Growth and development of agriculture and allied sectors directly affect the well-being of people at large, rural prosperity, and employment opportunities, and theyit forms an important resource base for many agricultural-based industries. Following independence, agricultural production in India has improved significantly. But there is a deficiency in the agricultural marketing framework in India. The system of agricultural marketing in India has a long path-way between the producer and the ultimate consumer of agricultural produce (Gopal Naik et al. 2002:,Basu 2020). To shorten this path, the government of India broughtings digitalization in agricultural marketing in April 2016 through E-NAM (Electronic- National Agriculture Market) to bring the marketing of agricultural commodities to a digital form. All this requires a great revolution in agricultural extension services for different stakeholders. The current study evaluates the various challenges and opportunities in India through E-NAM for different stakeholders. The current study is descriptive and based on secondary data collected from websites, newspapers and journals.


How to Cite

Mohit Garg , Shelly Singhal . E-NAM – Digital Agricultural Market: Challenges and Opportunities in India. J.Technol. Manag. Grow. Econ.. 2021, 12, 39–45
E-NAM – Digital Agricultural Market: Challenges and Opportunities in India

Current Issue

ISSN Print0976-545X
ISSN Online2456-3226
RNI No.CHAENG/2013/50088
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