HP Labs India’s Technology to Make Printed Paper Documents Tamper-Proof


  • Ramani SrinivasanHP Labs India, Bangalore
  • Anjaneyulu KuchibhotlaHP Labs India, Bangalore
  • Godavari SrinivasuHP Labs India, Bangalore
  • Bhushan MatadHP Labs India, Bangalore
paper document fraud, security of paper documents, document authentication


Proof “The objective of this paper is to discuss the cost-effective technologies developed at HP Labs India to make paper documents tamper-proof. We started with a real customer problem: to ensure that printed government land records should be tamper-proof. We first looked at existing techniques to see if they could address the problem but subsequently had to come up with our own technology. To address the problem, there was a need to identify good pilot customers to promote adoption of technology. Another challenge was around the customer’s lack of awareness in terms of the impact of fraudulent documents on their business, and the difficulty of selling solutions versus selling products. Technology invention plays a small part in the final success of any customer-driven innovation, and so other factors should not be ignored. There were several other specific conclusions related to the innovator, the customer-facing staff and the customers. The key contributions of this work was starting with a real customer problem and dealing with end-to-end issues related to adoption of technology to make paper documents tamper-proof. “


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How to Cite

Ramani Srinivasan, Anjaneyulu Kuchibhotla, Godavari Srinivasu, Bhushan Matad. HP Labs India’s Technology to Make Printed Paper Documents Tamper-Proof. J.Technol. Manag. Grow. Econ.. 2023, 01, 9-22
HP Labs India’s Technology to Make Printed Paper Documents Tamper-Proof

Current Issue

ISSN Print0976-545X
ISSN Online2456-3226
RNI No.CHAENG/2013/50088
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