Determinants of Offshore Outsourcing Locations – A Comparison on Voice Based Jobs in India and Philippines


  • Subhashish MitraChitkara Business School, Chitkara University, Punjab, India
  • Amit MittalChitkara Business School, Chitkara University, Punjab, India.
  • Pawan Kumar ChandChitkara Business School, Chitkara University, Punjab, India.
BPOs, Call centres, India and Philippines


Present study like to examine the variables that are significant, in the selection of offshore outsourcing locations for the voice based jobs in India and Philippines. The study has statistically tested human resources factors, finance factors, national level factors, communication, language, culture, client and service provider relationship, service delivery, organizations credentials and regulatory environment. The study has used descriptive research design, survey questionnaire method and deliberative purposive sampling techniques on the total sample size of 178 top and middle level employees of BPOs and Call centres. Data were analyzed using structure equation modeling, multiple regression, weighted least square method and Path analysis. Results of the study shows, overall affects of above discussed factor variables on the selection of location as Philippines are more than choosing India as preference of location for voice based jobs.


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How to Cite

Subhashish Mitra, Amit Mittal, Pawan Kumar Chand. Determinants of Offshore Outsourcing Locations – A Comparison on Voice Based Jobs in India and Philippines. J.Technol. Manag. Grow. Econ.. 2017, 08, 41-65
Determinants of Offshore Outsourcing Locations – A Comparison on Voice Based Jobs in India and Philippines

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