Employability of Management Graduates: Emerging Perspective of Employers and Faculty Members
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Vol. 15, No. 1 > Employability of Management Graduates: Emerging Perspective of Employers and Faculty Members
Published: April 10, 2024
Swati Bansal, Khundrakpam Anjalee Devi, Deepak Bansal and Sumeet Kumar Singh
Employability, Management students, Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, Faculty members, Employer
Background: Employability is a vital factor for both the overall economic growth of a nation and the personal growth of individuals. The employability of management students is regarded as a significant challenge by all management educational institutions in the current dynamic business environment.
Purpose: This research paper aims to provide insights into the significance of KSA (knowledge, skills, and abilities) in employment as perceived by “management graduates, faculty members, and employers.” These individuals are presumed to be the primary stakeholders in this process.
Methods: Six hundred eighty respondents (265 management faculties, 259 management graduates, and 159 employers) were surveyed across the “National Capital Region (NCR)” Region of Delhi, India.
Results: The disparity in KSA perception scores for employability between employers and students, as well as between employers and faculty members, was assessed and examined.
Conclusion: A significant disparity was determined to exist among different parameters, particularly in problem-solving skills, analytical skills, and knowledge of research methods.
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How to Cite
Swati Bansal, Khundrakpam Anjalee Devi, Deepak Bansal and Sumeet Kumar Singh. Employability of Management Graduates: Emerging Perspective of Employers and Faculty Members.
J.Technol. Manag. Grow. Econ.. 2024, 15, 20 to 30