The Influence of Resonant Leadership Style on Employee Turnover Intentions in The Indian International Trade Logistics Industry: Exploring the Mediating Role of Organizational Commitment

Published: April 10, 2023


Vivek Dabral and Prof. H.C. Purohit

DOI Number


Background: This research addresses the dearth of Human Resources studies within the logistics sector, offering valuable insights into the intricate relationship between resonant leadership and employee attitudes. With a focus on trade logistics firms in Delhi and the National Capital Region of India, the study seeks to fill a void in the existing literature by exploring the impact of resonant leadership on organizational commitment and turnover intention.

Purpose: The primary objective of this research is to investigate the influence of resonant leadership on dimensions of organizational commitment and turnover intention among employees. Drawing on Social Exchange Theory (SET) and Meyer and Allen’s Three-Component Model of Organizational Commitment, the study introduces organizational commitment as a mediating variable in the resonant leadership-turnover intention relationship.

Methods: Conducted through surveying employees in trade logistics firms, the study employed a sample of 371 participants. The data analysis utilized SMART-PLS structural equation modelling to comprehensively examine the relationships between resonant leadership, organizational commitment, and turnover intention.

Results: The findings reveal a positive correlation between resonant leadership and organizational commitment, showcasing a significant reduction in turnover intention. Affective commitment emerged as the sole mediating factor in this relationship, highlighting its pivotal role in mitigating turnover intention among employees.

Conclusions: This research contributes to the limited literature on the interplay between resonant leadership and employee attitudes, specifically within the context of trade logistics. The study underscores the importance of understanding and managing emotions in the workplace, particularly among leaders, as a means to foster commitment. Ultimately, this commitment acts as a powerful deterrent to turnover, promoting organizational sustainability in the long run.


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How to Cite

Vivek Dabral and Prof. H.C. Purohit. The Influence of Resonant Leadership Style on Employee Turnover Intentions in The Indian International Trade Logistics Industry: Exploring the Mediating Role of Organizational Commitment. J.Technol. Manag. Grow. Econ.. 2023, 14, 7-19
The Influence of Resonant Leadership Style on Employee Turnover Intentions in The Indian International Trade Logistics Industry: Exploring the Mediating Role of Organizational Commitment

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