Transformation of the Forest-based Bioeconomy by Embracing Digital Solutions


  • Chihiro WatanabeFaculty of Information Technology, University of Jyväskylä, Finland.; International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Austria.
  • Nasir NaveedFaculty of Information Technology, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
  • Kashif NaveedFaculty of Information Technology, University of Jyväskylä, Finland.
  • Pekka NeittaanmäkiFaculty of Information Technology, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Forest-based bioeconomy, Transformation, Digital solutions, Creative disruption platform, Amazon business model


This paper attempts to explore a new insight to both industrialized and growing economies by demonstrating a digital-driven creative disruption in the forest-based bioeconomy which is beginning to replace its conventional and narrow concept of a forest-blinded economy. Notwithstanding the potential broad cross-sectoral benefits to both industrialized and growing economies, natural environments and locality constraints and the incessant challenge of distance have impeded balanced development of this economy. However, driven by digital solutions the economy has taken big steps forward in recent years. Digitalization has enabled real-time end-to-end supply chain visibility, improved delivery accuracy, stock level optimization and alignment with demand planning. These have led to digital ecosystem collaboration and a transparency crossover industrialized and growing economies worldwide. Thus, creative disruptive platform has emerged by embracing digital solutions. By means of an empirical analysis focusing on the noteworthy business activities at the forefront of both upstream and downstream of the chain, this paper demonstrates a transforming stream observed in the forefront of a forest-based bioeconomy chain. This research thus explores a new insight common to both industrialized and growing economies in constructing a creative disruption platform by embracing digital solutions.


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How to Cite

Chihiro Watanabe, Nasir Naveed, Kashif Naveed, Pekka Neittaanmäki. Transformation of the Forest-based Bioeconomy by Embracing Digital Solutions. J.Technol. Manag. Grow. Econ.. 2017, 08, 191-214
Transformation of the Forest-based Bioeconomy by Embracing Digital Solutions

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