R&D Management Trends in the United States, India and China
- Tugrul U. DaimPortland State University, Portland, USA
- Ashok BhatlaPortland State University, Portland, USA
- Mohammad MansourPortland State University, Portland, USA
- Robert DeLayPortland State University, Portland, USA
- Paul NguyenPortland State University, Portland, USA
R&D, Research Progress, United States, China, India
This study researches the Management of Research and Development (R&D) in the emerging economies of India and China and compares theirs with R&D in the United States (US). The purpose of this research is to forecast the future of R&D in these three countries. Because R&D is changing rapidly, particularly in China, understanding where they will be in the future is of interest to the scientific, academic, government and business segments of each country. Our research consisted of gathering industry standard measures of R&D from 1996 through 2009. These measures are as follows: R&D spending as a percentage of GDP (total government, industry and universities), researchers per million inhabitants, number of patents granted each year, number publications each year and total number of graduates in all programs in thousands. We gathered and logged the metrics for each year from 1996 through 2009 and used the historical data to forecast future positioning of R&D in these countries. An overview of each country is provided in the introductory portion of this paper. This provides the context for the historical performance of R&D and for expected future performance of R&D in the US, India and China.
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How to Cite
Tugrul U. Daim, Ashok Bhatla, Mohammad Mansour, Robert DeLay, Paul Nguyen. R&D Management Trends in the United States, India and China.
J.Technol. Manag. Grow. Econ.. 2023, 01, 27-46