Assessment of Attitude of Customers Towards Service Quality Dimensions in Health Insurance Sector in Punjab and Chandigarh


Background: The success of any corporation depends upon the availability of products and quality of service provided to its customers. Service quality in health insurance depends upon the capacity of the companies to fulfil the expectation of the customers. So, it becomes necessary for the health insurance companies to provide better services to its customers.

Purpose: This study aims to measure the level of service quality in selected health insurance companies in Punjab and Chandigarh.

Methodology: The data has been collected from 460 customers residing in Punjab and the Union Territory of Chandigarh who had the health insurance policy from different public and private sector companies. SERVPERF scale given by Cronin and Taylor (1992) consisting of 22 statements of the perceptions of service quality has been used in the present study to measure the level of service quality of the health insurance companies.

Results: The findings highlighted that the customers have moderate level of positive attitude about the different dimensions of service quality namely tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy of health insurance services provided by the selected companies.

Conclusions: From the managerial point of view, the study would help health insurance companies to improve their service quality on all the dimensions namely tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy to be successful and to survive for a long term in the market.

  • Page Number : 43–54

  • Published Date : 2022-10-01

  • Keywords
    Service Quality, Perception, SERVPERF, Health insurance Companies.

  • DOI Number

  • Authors
    Reetu Devi, Jasvinderjit Kaur


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