A Study To Prioritize Emerging Areas Of Concern In Patient Safety- A Systematic Review


Background: Patient safety is a global concern despite advancements in healthcare systems, as adverse events continue to impact mortality and morbidity rates.

Purpose: The purpose of this systematic review is to prioritize emerging areas of concern in patient safety, aiming to identify and understand the evolving challenges that healthcare systems face.

Methods: A search strategy was developed using 117 databases, including PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science. Keywords included "Patient Safety", "Patient harm", "Adverse event", "Challenges in Patient Safety", and "Advancement in Patient Safety".

Results: The paper concludes by advocating for "High-Quality health systems" in developing nations, stressing the importance of a comprehensive approach to healthcare. It calls for standardized tools to capture patient harm, a learning health framework for continuous improvement, and urges policymakers to facilitate information sharing through a public coordination center.

Conclusions: Targeted surveillance and interventions are essential for recognizing progress and avoiding reliability issues. High-quality health systems are needed to improve health outcomes in developing nations, emphasizing thorough assessment, accurate diagnosis, timely treatment, and access to necessary facilities.

  • Page Number : 21-32

  • Published Date : 2022-04-14

  • Keywords
    Patient Safety, Patient Harm, Adverse Events, Patient Safety Issues, Challenges in Patient Safety, Advancements in Patient Safety

  • DOI Number

  • Authors
    Shalini Sharma and Keerti Bhusan Pradhan


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