Family Business and Creation of Brand Communities


Background: Brand management is an important factor in every business, especially in family businesses. Through brands, firms can build and communicate their reputation with their stakeholders. For family businesses, revealing the family identity in branding influences both the internal and external stakeholders of the family businesses. There is a lot of evidence that shows the relationship between family businesses and their stakeholders, but limited studies are showing how these family business branding creates a community among its stakeholders.

Purpose: The focus of the paper is to identify the variables that influences how family business branding creates communities among its different stakeholders, considering all stakeholders such as customers, employees, suppliers, and society holistically. Methods: The study used a secondary data collection approach based on the family business perspectives found in existing literature on how family businesses contribute to the creation of a community and influence the formation of a brand community. Results: Different studies show the connection between these revelations of family brand identity and the impact on the creation of a community among its stakeholders. Family firms differ from other non-family businesses in the creation of a family firm identity, bringing trust, reputation, image, authenticity, and integrity and influence behavior among internal and external stakeholders.

  • Page Number : 1-7

  • Published Date : 2022-04-22

  • Keywords
    Family Business, Branding, Brand Community, Community Creation

  • DOI Number

  • Authors
    Dr. S. John Mano Raj, , M. Manjusha


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